Sunday, 18 December 2016

Thoughts about temples: fabricated, unfabricated

Temples- Place of?
·      God
·      Architecture
·      Peace
·      Priests
·      Culture
·      Festivals?
How many of us have actually lived these in temples? Barely anyone!
They offer so much to explore. They contain the long lasted secrets of living. They are living legends. They have so many stories.
So we were first taken to Shiva Mandir and then we were sent to different temples to research on history and cultural richness of temples and belongingness of them.
You might imagine a place with beautiful but calm architecture, A place where people would come to find their own mental peace, a place with still aura, to be a temple. But in reality that is just a temple which is unexposed to the new modern fast moving world with only concerns about  monetary things. This is what I found out about Iskcon Temple, Bangalore.

In a rush to hurry people in ques, the priests seemed to have forgotten the real meaning of temples. Our whole visit left me into questions about life moving so fast in today’s times which made me realise importance of sometimes wasting my time in just simply doing something in which I find peace and questions about these big temples being only architecturally beautiful and having to give importance to ones who found or built it, questions about what being right and what being wrong, question about the whole unseen division in the society, questions about why people do not interact, how hard it is to talk about peace? About lives? About stories?

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